Keira Fox, Sophie Sleigh-Johnson, Vindicatrix, Collapse

(release date: 21/09/2024, format: cassette, edition number: 50)

KEIRA FOX, SOPHIE SLEIGH-JOHNSON and VINDICATRIX present a new collaboration in Collapse: the soundtrack to an escalating 3-act play set across multiple timelines (BC, industrial, merchandised), drawing on a site-specific project originally commissioned by Cripta 747 Torino and presented at Saint Pietro in Vincoli Cemetery. ‘The piece coalesces trans-temporal sites of city collapse from The Casa Delle Donne’s occupation of a historic women’s mental asylum, the Fiat Factory and the workers strikes of the 60s, to murderous 1970s shopping departments, and garage disappointments.’

Collapse will be launched on September 21 at St George-in-the-East Church, London E1, where ANNE GILLIS will also perform. Tickets for the event can be purchased directly here, or along with the cassette below. A special edition of 3 is available with a silver crowbar sanded by the artists, more information here.

numbered + handmade in an edition of 50 copies with on-body screen print and eco-x slip; each copy contains four riso-printed cigarette cards

︎ 15 (cassette)
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︎ 27.50 (cassette + London launch event ticket)
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For event tickets only click here
